So yesterday, after having had a whole week of late nights with amazing people, making my presence known a bit more in the conservatorio, buying a bike and finally riding it in the daylight and consequently getting drenched in the pouring rain, I made a promise to myself that I would have a lazy day.
And I did.
I set no alarms, and when finally waking up I snuggled cosily up in my pyjamas after a breakfast of nutella on toast, cup of tea in hand, and set out to watch films and generally not move outside the confines of my cosy bedroom, occaisionally smugly peeking outside and feeling good that I was not one of the ones caught in the rain.
The day should have been great and perfect and just what I needed but why was it that I just felt so guilty about it? Then, as I was trying to get to sleep last night, I had a thought - "what on earth am I doing... in Italy... stuck inside my bedroom...?"
It really was a simple question and I was annoyed at myself that I hadn't asked myself sooner in the day.
So the lights went back on and I started writing a list.
Night-time-me is a bit more cheesy than daytime me, so forgive the phrasing of some of these points.
But I am determined to stick to this. Make it my little project for every day. And let's face it - I actually have time to do 90% of this every single day. And will need all the help I can get about it really, so if anyone has ideas about what I could be doing instead on a rainy day inside, please do let me know...