Monday, 21 January 2013

a simple pleasure

Sometimes on a day turned unexpectedly much freer by an unwell professor, I am at a loss as to what to do. Having already put myself into the mindset of doing three hours of Opera History lecture followed by a piano lesson followed by three hours of Opera Workshop (and if I possibly could have, I would have squeezed in a bit of practise somewhere there).

Instead, here I sit with a cup of tea, a few biscuits brought back from England, listening to a few good songs, reading over my notes from previous lectures; half in English, half in Englitalian and promising myself to read and look at the wonderful pictures in Il Piccolo Principe.

So my plans have changed, but I'm equally as happy spending a relaxing morning this way.


  1. that's so odd! my tutor is also ill so the essay was rushing to finish is now not due until next week :) happy coincidences (sad for tutor/prof though)
