Saturday, 8 September 2012

the two faces of Firenze

I've been living here officially for just under a week now and feel like I've already done so much yet still managed not to be too touristy! In some respects, this is a shame. I spent the last year of University absorbing any and every tiny scrap of knowledge I could find about the Italian Renaissance in Music, learning that Florence was at the very heart of it. Everywhere I look when I'm walking around I can see all these buildings and their influences but haven't yet been brave enough to go inside... Apart from one.

Il Duomo is massive. It's so impressive and grand and breath-taking, much like every other thing in Firenze. When I went inside, it was the first time I'd been able to be completely on my own since arriving so I savoured the hushed atmosphere and just sat and admired this amazing building. It reminded  me a little bit of being back at University as I slowly started to remember everything we'd been told about the importance of this Dome, and made me then remember the real purpose of my visit to Firenze; to improve my Italian to learn music. So it's now a must that if I have company or not I have to go inside every building, instead of just some. I really do want to see as much of the City as I can. I'm here for a month and I want to savour it all.

Accompanying all this grandeur and rich history, there is certainly a quirky side to Firenze perhaps slightly lesser known, but as I've been walking round the city these past few days, trying to take as much in as my eyes and my very excited brain can handle, I've spotted some extremely strange sights...

I love these strange little moments I spot even more than the stunning architecture. It's what gives this city so much personality, and makes it seem real.

1 comment:

  1. i want to give the horse a cuddle. it's dressed like an old woman. :D
